Security News

EU MEPs want stronger privacy rules for Internet-enabled communication services
2017-10-20 17:40

With 31 votes for, 24 against and one abstention, the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) has backed new privacy protections for EU citizens. The...

Trump Team 'Dispels' EU Doubts on Data Protection Deal
2017-10-18 16:45

US President Donald Trump's administration has "dispelled" doubts over whether it will stand by a hard-won personal data protection accord with Europe struck during Barack Obama's presidency, the...

EU to Launch Cybersecurity 'Safety Labels'
2017-09-19 16:22

The European Union unveiled plans Tuesday to step up its response to cyber attacks, including a new intelligence-sharing agency, cyber war games and product safety labels. read more

Week in review: Dangerous Bluetooth, EU cybersecurity certification, how Equifax hackers got in
2017-09-18 01:30

Here’s an overview of some of last week’s most interesting news, articles and podcasts: Equifax breach happened because of a missed patch The attackers who breached Equifax managed to do so by...

European Comission wants ENISA to introduce EU-wide cybersecurity certification scheme
2017-09-14 13:00

“Cyber security attacks know no borders and no one is immune,” European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker noted in his State of the Union Speech on Wednesday. He also said they can be more...

EU Defense Ministers Put to Test in Mock Cyberattack (Security Week)
2017-09-08 12:58

A major cyberattack targets European Union military structures, with hackers using social media and "fake news" to spread confusion, and governments are left scrambling to respond as the crisis...

New EU Privacy Laws Will Complicate B2B Data Sharing (Threatpost)
2017-06-26 13:00

Exploring the legality of the international business-to-business sharing of IP addresses within the cyber threat intelligence community.

As UK govt calls for encryption backdoors, EU lawmakers propose a ban on them (Help Net Security)
2017-06-20 17:26

As the UK gets hit by terror attacks one after the other, the government’s cry for making sure terrorists and criminals can’t find “safe spaces” online has become a constant. Some European...