Security News

Researchers Manage To Dump RAM Contents Off An Encrypted, Locked Android Phone... By Freezing It
2013-02-18 06:47 By David Ruddock Android Police Feb 14, 2013

Tale of the encrypted
2012-10-18 10:03 By Peter Pierce The Age October 13, 2012 MIDNIGHT EMPIRE By Andrew Croome Allen & Unwin, $27.99

E-mail lists, encrypted passwords stolen in hack
2012-08-10 09:20 By Steven Musil CNET News August 9, 2012

PGP founder, Navy SEALs uncloak encrypted comms biz
2012-06-15 10:45 By Iain Thomson in San Francisco The Register 14th June 2012

PlayStation credit card data was encrypted
2011-04-28 07:32 By Darren Pauli April 28th, 2011 Sony has confirmed that the credit card details possibly stolen in a...

Encrypted USB stick glitch led to Council data loss
2011-02-25 07:26 By John E Dunn Techworld 24 February 11 A council that used encrypted memory sticks has been handed...

NSW Bikie gangs' encrypted BlackBerrys beat law
2011-02-07 09:06 By Natalie O'Brien The Sydney Morning Herald February 6, 2011 Bikie gangs and organised crime groups are...

MoD loses a staggering 340 laptop computers in TWO YEARS...and most of them were not encrypted
2010-07-27 07:46 By Daily Mail Reporter 22nd July 2010 The Ministry of Defence has lost or had...

The theft of the encrypted computer follows another data breach by MI6
2008-10-07 05:26 By Nicole Kobie IT Pro 3 Oct 2008 MI5 has followed the lead of its fellow intelligence service and had its very own potential data...