Security News

Microsoft fixes web server DDoS bug
2019-02-22 12:51

Overzealous use of HTTP/2 flow control settings in IIS could have brought servers to their knees.

Average DDoS attack volumes grew by 194% in 12 months
2019-02-11 05:00

The volume and complexity of DDoS attacks continued to grow in Europe during the final quarter of 2018, according to Link11. While Link11’s Security Operations Center (LSOC) registered 13,910...

Longest DDoS attack since 2015 lasts 329 hours
2019-02-08 16:29

While the number of DDoS attacks have declined, they have become much more sophisticated, according to a Kaspersky Lab report.

ThreatList: Latest DDoS Trends by the Numbers
2019-02-07 20:21

Trends in DDoS attacks show a evolution beyond Mirai code and point to next-gen botnets that are better hidden and have a greater level of persistence on devices – making them "far more dangerous."

Attackers Use CoAP for DDoS Amplification
2019-02-04 14:44

Attackers recently started abusing the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) for the reflection/amplification of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, NETSCOUT warns.  read more

New DDoS campaign serving four times the number of packets as 2018's major GitHub attack
2019-01-30 14:33

The potency of DDoS attacks lies in the number of packets being sent rather than the relative bandwidth involved in the attack.

It’s mop-up time for WebStresser DDoS-for-hire users
2019-01-30 11:56

Cops from 14 countries are seeking to inflict a bit of distributed denial-of-freedom to whoever's behind 6 million around-the-globe attacks.

Europol Now Going After People Who Bought DDoS-for-Hire Services
2019-01-29 09:18

If you were a buyer of any online DDoS-for-hire service, you might be in trouble. After taking down and arresting the operators of the world's biggest DDoS-for-hire service last year, the...

Authorities Track Down Users of DDoS Services
2019-01-28 18:56

The seizure of several websites offering distributed denial of service (DDoS) for hire services has allowed authorities to track down and take action against people who used such websites, Europol...

Bit-and-Piece DDoS Method Emerges to Torment ISPs
2019-01-24 14:11

Perpetrators are using smaller, bit-and-piece methods to inject junk into legitimate traffic, causing attacks to bypass detection rather than sounding alarms with large, obvious attack spikes.