Security News
"There continue to be signs and threats of possible imminent attacks against, in particular, national public entities, private entities providing a public utility service or private entities whose image is identified with the country of Italy," explains the public alert. The signs are posts from the Killnet group's Telegram channel that incited to 'massive and unprecedented' attacks against Italy.
Akamai researchers have been monitoring the DDoS attack since May 12, when a customer an alerted the company's Security Incident Response Team of an attempted attack by a group claiming to be associated with REvil, Akamai revealed in a blog post Wednesday. "The attacks so far target a site by sending a wave of HTTP/2 GET requests with some cache-busting techniques to overwhelm the website," Akamai SIRT vulnerability researcher Larry Cashdollar wrote in the post.
DDoS attacks decreased in 2021, still above pre-pandemic levels. As part of NexusGuard's "DDoS Statistical Report for 2021", it was found that despite the rate of DDoS attacks falling from 2020 to 2021, the number of attacks still outweigh those experienced before the COVID-19 pandemic began, as the total number of DDoS attacks were reduced by 13.3% from 2020 to 2021, according to the DDoS protection company.
Russia's banking and financial services company Sberbank is being targeted in a wave of unprecedented hacker attacks. Sberbank is Russia's largest financial company and the third-largest in Europe, with total assets counting over $570 billion.
Italy's Computer Security Incident Response Team has disclosed recent DDoS attacks against crucial government sites in the country over the past couple of days. DDoS is an attack that aims to deplete a server's available resources, making it unable to respond to legitimate user requests and rendering the sites it hosts inaccessible.
DDoS attacks are an underappreciated residual risk for most organizations today. While most people are concerned about ransomware, it typically takes a ransomware attacks months to develop, whereas DDoS attacks are very sudden and may result in a complete business outage.
Cloudflare is reporting a large DDoS attack against an unnamed company "Operating a crypto launchpad.". While this isn't the largest application-layer attack we've seen, it is the largest we've seen over HTTPS. HTTPS DDoS attacks are more expensive in terms of required computational resources because of the higher cost of establishing a secure TLS encrypted connection.
A DDoS attack works by several machines repeatedly flooding servers of a website with excessive requests in a short span of time, such that the servers run out of their allotted bandwidth, and become unresponsive. More recently, Russian hacktivist group "Killnet" has launched DDoS attacks on Romanian government sites.
A DDoS attack works by several machines repeatedly flooding servers of a website with excessive requests in a short span of time, such that the servers run out of their allotted bandwidth, and become unresponsive. Conducting DDoS attacks is a criminal offense in most jurisdictions.
More recently, Russian hacktivist group "Killnet" has launched DDoS attacks on Romanian government sites. Conducting DDoS attacks is a criminal offense in most jurisdictions.