Security News
![Re: [Dataloss] Fringe: e-banking not yet secure](/static/build/img/news/alt/cyberattack-statistics-1-small.jpg)
Forwarded from: Adam Shostack On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 02:26:18AM +0000, security curmudgeon wrote: | : Over 75% of banking Web sites contain fundamental design flaws that | : could put customers... RICHMOND, VA, July 14, 2008 - The Open Security Foundation (OSF) is pleased to announce that the DataLossDB (also known as the Data Loss...

Useless Compensation for Data Loss Incidents Wed Jun 11 03:38:35 EDT 2008 Apacid, Jericho If you have been the victim of a data loss... By JAMES W. CRAWLEY Media General News Service February 28, 2007 WASHINGTON -... Tucson, Arizona June 24, 2005 The operations center for a credit card processing firm...