Security News
Vickery also talks to Threatpost about fringe data breach discoveries he's encountered over the last few years, as well as how the process of data breach disclosure is shifting and the best first steps companies can take once a data breach has been discovered. So just for all of our listeners, Chris works at UpGuard, and he has a great track record of discovering major data breaches and vulnerabilities across the digital landscape.
Chris Vickery with UpGuard, who discovered two datasets exposing millions of Facebook records, discusses his findings and the implications of data collection with Threatpost.
In this Newsmaker Interview, ‘breach hunter’ Chris Vickery explores a recent spate of breaches from Marriott, USPS and Dell EMC.
Private intelligence gathering firm LocalBlox leaked data on 48 million users that was scraped from Facebook, LinkedIn, Zillow and other sites.
Mike Mimoso talks to Chris Vickery of Upguard of the recent rash of Amazon S3 data leaks.