Security News
Microsoft has updated the Certificate Trust list for all supported releases of Microsoft Windows so that the two digital certificates (complete with inadvertently disclosed private keys) used by Dell ...
Here's an overview of some of last week's most interesting news and articles: Four ways an attacker can infiltrate an organization by diverting security solutions Even if we theoretically had th...
Embedded devices of some 50 manufacturers has been found sharing the same hard-coded X.509 certificates (for HTTPS) and SSH host keys, a fact that can be exploited by a remote, unauthenticated attacke...
The main piece of news on Monday was that Dell's desktop PCs and laptops shipped since August 2015 contain a root CA certificate (eDellRoot) complete with the private cryptographic key for it. Attacke...
Two more self-signed root certificates and corresponding private keys were found on Dell computers.
All desktop and laptops shipped by Dell since August 2015 contain a root CA certificate (eDellRoot) complete with the private cryptographic key for it, opening users to the danger of Man-in-the-Middle...