Security News

Michaels Breach Bigger than Reported
2011-05-13 08:01 By Tracy Kitten Managing Editor Bank Info Security May 12, 2011 The Michaels debit breach is much bigger than the company initially...

LastPass alerts users about potential master password breach
2011-05-06 07:06 By Jaikumar Vijayan Computerworld May 5, 2011 LastPass, an online password management...

Southwest Ambulance reports data breach
2011-04-19 06:09 by Ken Alltucker April 18, 2011 The Arizona Republic A former Southwest Ambulance...

About 50 clients hit by Epsilon e-mail marketing breach
2011-04-05 06:27 By Robert McMillan IDG News Service April 4, 2011 About 50 companies were affected by a major...

Hackers breach bank's online system
2011-03-31 06:10 By Keith Edwards Staff Writer March 31, 2011 AUGUSTA -- Kennebec Savings Bank's online banking...

Bank of America Denies Breach
2011-03-31 06:09 By Tracy Kitten Managing Editor Bank Info Security March 28, 2011 Bank of America branches in Greater Detroit were reportedly flooded this...

Why DHS, Not White House, Took Lead on RSA Breach Response
2011-03-22 06:40 By Eric Chabrow Executive Editor March 21, 2011 Pondering government cybersecurity leadership, first thoughts might go...

Data Breach Affects 2,777 Henry Ford Health System Patients
2011-03-10 10:20 By Brian T. Horowitz 2011-03-09 The Henry Ford Health System in Detroit has...

NASDAQ Breach: Lesson for Banks
2011-02-14 09:23 By Tracy Kitten Managing Editor Bank Info Security February 11, 2011 Could real-time forensics have helped uncover the NASDAQ breach...

Hackers Breach Tech Systems of Multinational Oil Companies
2011-02-10 09:59 By John Markoff The New York Times February 10, 2011 At least five multinational oil and gas companies suffered computer network...