Security News

Bank loses credit-card info of 1.2M federal workers
2005-02-28 10:37,10801,100061,00.html By Joanne Morrison FEBRUARY 26, 2005 REUTERS Computer tapes containing credit-card records of U.S. Senators and...

US warns banks worldwide about BugBear virus
2003-06-10 05:22

Forwarded from: William Knowles Washington June 10 2003 The US government is warning financial institutions about a virus-like...

Internet Worm Hits Airline, Banks
2003-01-27 11:04 By Brian Krebs Staff Writer January 26, 2003 An Internet worm unleashed on Saturday impaired key systems in...

Re: Start-up banks on hack-proof Linux
2002-09-30 06:21

Forwarded from: Kurt Seifried

Bank confirms crackers break into website
2001-06-25 09:44 Monday 25 June, 2001 14:53 GMT+10:00 By BARRY PARK, FAIRFAX IT The National Australia Bank has confirmed that online vandals broke...

FIPR slams UK web banks over security
2000-10-12 13:45 James Middleton Oct. 11th 2000 The Foundation for Information Policy Research (FIPR) today launched a bitter attack on the UK's internet banks. The think...