Security News

Atlanta Ransomware Attack Was Far More Serious Than Originally Thought and Even Wiped Out the Police Dash-cam Recordings Archive read more

Money Would Have Been Better Spent on Prevention, Experts SayThe city of Atlanta's ransomware outbreak cleanup and response tab has hit $2.6 million, after a March attack froze corporate servers,...

City of Atlanta Ransomware Attack Showcases Ethical Problem in Whether to Pay a Ransom or Not read more

Leading the latest edition of the ISMG Security Report: Ransomware hits the city of Atlanta, Baltimore's 911 system as well as aviation giant Boeing. Plus, WikiLeaks and its Julian Assange get...

5 Days After Outbreak, Email Works, But Don't Try Paying Parking Tickets OnlineFive days after a ransomware outbreak crypto-locked city systems, Atlanta has advised its 8,000 employees that they...

A ransomware attack -- possibly a variant of SamSam -- has affected some customer-facing applications and some internal services at the City of Atlanta. The FBI and incident response teams from...

The city of Atlanta has suffered a ransomware attack on Thursday, which resulted in outages of some of its customer facing applications, including some that customers may use to pay bills or...

The city of Atlanta is being extorted for $51,000 in a ransomware attack that occurred early Thursday that impacted several local government departments.

Damage Assessment is Underway, But Backups Are in Place, Officials SayRansomware has struck the city of Atlanta and frozen internal and customer-facing applications, hampering residents from...