Security News

Is Unpatched Apache Struts Flaw to Blame for Equifax Hack?
2017-09-12 18:03

Credit Bureau Has Yet to Describe Exploited 'Website Application Vulnerability'Equifax has yet to describe how its site was breached, except to blame a vague "U.S. website application...

Equifax attackers got in through an Apache Struts flaw?
2017-09-12 14:59

Have the attackers responsible for the Equifax data breach exploited a vulnerability in Apache Struts, a popular open source framework for developing web applications, to compromise the company’s...

Apache Struts Flaw Increasingly Exploited to Hack Servers
2017-09-12 09:04

Security firm Imperva has detected thousands of attacks attempting to exploit a recently patched remote code execution vulnerability affecting the Apache Struts 2 open source development...

Apache Struts 2 Flaws Affect Multiple Cisco Products
2017-09-12 03:51

After Equifax massive data breach that was believed to be caused due to a vulnerability in Apache Struts, Cisco has initiated an investigation into its products that incorporate a version of the...

Apache Foundation Refutes Involvement in Equifax Breach
2017-09-11 19:02

The Vice President of the Apache Struts PMC says the attackers likely used an unknown Struts zero day or an earlier announced vulnerability.

Apache Struts Flaw Reportedly Exploited in Equifax Hack
2017-09-11 06:16

A vulnerability affecting the Apache Struts 2 open-source development framework was reportedly used to breach U.S. credit reporting agency Equifax and gain access to customer data. read more

Hackers Exploit Recently Patched Apache Struts Flaw (Security Week)
2017-09-08 09:04

A critical remote code execution vulnerability patched earlier this week in the Apache Struts 2 open-source development framework is already being exploited in the wild. read more

Easily exploitable Apache Struts vulnerability opens businesses to attack (Help Net Security)
2017-09-06 17:11

A critical vulnerability in Apache Struts, a popular open source framework for developing web applications, opens any server running an app built using it to remote attackers. It can be exploited...

Exploit Available for Critical Apache Struts Vulnerability (Security Week)
2017-09-06 08:12

The latest version of Apache Struts 2 addresses several vulnerabilities, including a critical remote code execution flaw for which an exploit was created within hours after the release of a patch....

Patch Released for Critical Apache Struts Bug (Threatpost)
2017-09-05 18:10

The Apache Software Foundation released a patch on Tuesday for a critical vulnerability impacting all versions of Struts since 2008.