Security News

Signal for Android finally out, offers end-to-end encrypted calls and messages (Help Net Security)
2015-11-03 13:24

Open Whisper Systems (formerly Whisper Systems) has finally released the Android version of its popular free, open source iOS app for end-to-end encrypted voice calls. Signal for Android, though,...

Security update kills several critical bugs in Android Marshmallow (Help Net Security)
2015-11-03 11:01

Google's November Android security update carries fixes for seven vulnerabilities, including two remote code execution flaws that are rated "critical" (CVE-2015-6608, CVE-2015-6609), and an elevation ...

Monthly Android Security Update Patches More Stagefright Vulnerabilities (Threatpost)
2015-11-02 20:10

Google released its monthly over-the-air Android security update to Nexus devices, patching another handful of vulnerabilities related to Stagefright.

Malicious Android App Impersonates Microsoft Word Doc (Threatpost)
2015-10-30 18:08

A malicious data-stealing Android app that impersonates a Microsoft Word document has already infected several hundred users, primarily in China.

Android infostealer masquerading as MS Word document (Help Net Security)
2015-10-30 08:56

A clever Android information-stealing piece of malware is lurking on third-party app markets popular with Chinese users. "The malware portrays itself as a data file with an icon similar to that use...