Security News > 2024 > July > Exchange Online adds Inbound DANE with DNSSEC for security boost

Exchange Online adds Inbound DANE with DNSSEC for security boost
2024-07-17 19:02

Microsoft is rolling out inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC for Exchange Online in public preview, a new capability to boost email integrity and security.

The SMTP DANE security protocol utilizes a TLS Authentication DNS record to verify the identity of destination mail servers and the authenticity of the certificates used for securing email communication.

Once enabled in Exchange Online, Inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC will protect email domains from impersonation, ensure that messages are delivered to the intended recipients using encryption without being altered or redirected, and enhance email reputation through compliance with the latest security standards.

"We urge other email providers and domain owners to adopt these standards and collectively raise the bar for email security and protect users from malicious actors," the Exchange Team said.

"We have already implemented inbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC for several Outlook email domains, and we will complete the implementation for remaining Outlook domains by the end of 2024.".

After this new capability goes live, Microsoft will complete Exchange Online's support for SMTP DANE with DNSSEC since outbound SMTP DANE with DNSSEC has been supported since March 2022.

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