Security News > 2024 > June > Urgently needed: AI governance in cyber warfare

Urgently needed: AI governance in cyber warfare
2024-06-13 09:19

If we abandon the ethics of cyber war, we might as well stop defending liberal democracies, because we're behaving like our opponents want us to behave.

Traditionally, western countries did not invest in non-kinetic cyber warfare because at the time the West held the upper hand in terms of superior technologies that allowed it more room to maneuver in this domain.

The war in Ukraine has certainly proven cyber to be a concrete element, not just a domain of war but a terrain where opponents confront each other daily.

Currently, there is no international agreement on regulating cyber warfare.

Governance of cyber warfare may seem like an alien concept because for governance to exist, it requires conflicting parties to adhere to the same set of rules and principles in the context of warfare.

Cyber capabilities are not developed in the same way as nuclear capabilities.

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