Security News > 2024 > June > Windows Recall will be opt-in and the data more secure, Microsoft says

Windows Recall will be opt-in and the data more secure, Microsoft says
2024-06-07 19:01

The insistent public complaints and proof-of-concept tools have have borne fruit: Microsoft has realized that the security of its recently previewed Windows Recall feature leaves much to be desired, and has announced important changes.

A few weeks ago, Microsoft presented Copilot+ PCs, a new line of computers powered by Windows 11 and delivering some specific new features.

"Even before making Recall available to customers, we have heard a clear signal that we can make it easier for people to choose to enable Recall on their Copilot+ PC and improve privacy and security safeguards. With that in mind we are announcing updates that will go into effect before Recall ships to customers on June 18," Pavan Davuluri, Microsoft's corporate VP of Windows + Devices, shared on Friday.

Access to that database, viewing of one's timeline and the ability to search in Recall will be possible only if the user authenticates via Windows Hello Enhanced Sign-in Security.

Recall won't save any content from private browsing activity performed with Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome, or other Chromium-based browsers.

Finally, IT administrators will be able to disable Recall on employees' managed work devices, but can't switch the feature on.

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