Security News > 2024 > May > Product showcase: Alert – Data breach detector for your email, credit card, and ID

Product showcase: Alert – Data breach detector for your email, credit card, and ID
2024-05-24 05:30

With Alert, you can easily monitor your most important credentials, such as your email, credit card, and ID. Alert will instantly notify you if it appears in breached online databases.

Real-time monitoring and email notifications: your details are scanned in real-time, and if there's a new breach, Alert promptly informs you via email.

With the help of Alert's instant breach alerts, you can change passwords and react quickly to prevent malicious actors from accessing your information.

To start monitoring your credit card, you can choose the section Scan credit cards and enter your credit card number.

Alert doesn't host your credit card details, so there is no need to worry about the safety of your information.

If you decide to remove all data from Alert, you can also do that in Settings by just clicking on Remove all data.

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