Security News > 2023 > December > Digital ops and ops management security predictions for 2024
Big incidents will be BIG. High-visibility attacks will continue to be rare, but when they occur, they will be major news, with massive implications for customers and even wider society, depending on the organization affected.
Unlike the indiscriminate "Spray-and-pray" attacks we used to be so afraid of, bad actors will shift their attention to building sophisticated campaigns to take down high-value targets that are more financially rewarding for them.
Due to the increased effectiveness of AI-driven phishing attacks and conflicting goals, customer support teams will be more in the line of fire as a target for compromise as the first step in a broader data compromise/ransomware attack.
Social media scams will soon be made that much smarter through AI-driven presentation and language personalization - not to mention easier and cheaper for attackers to launch, manage, and tailor.
As we come to terms with the impact of work from anywhere, and the difficulty in addressing AI-enhanced phishing attacks, the endpoint becomes once again front and center as a technical control point.
Rather than seeing cyber insurers step up to the plate to provide effective guidance on security controls to protect a company, we will continue to rely on guidance from DHS/CISA, GCHQ/NCSC and other trusted government agencies with oversight and mandates for national and global cybersecurity.
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