Security News > 2023 > December > Australia building 'top secret' cloud to catch up and link with US, UK intel orgs

Australia building 'top secret' cloud to catch up and link with US, UK intel orgs
2023-12-07 04:33

Australia is building a top-secret cloud to host intelligence data and share it with the US and UK, which have their own clouds built for the same purpose.

The three clouds were discussed on Monday by Andrew Shearer, Australia's director-general of national intelligence, at an event hosted by the Center for Strategic & International Studies in Washington, DC. "We are working very hard on a top-secret cloud initiative," Shearer told the event, adding that it will interoperate with similar infrastructure already operated by the US and UK, and mean sensitive data can be shared "Near instantaneously."

"The ability to share vast amounts of data and to work on it together will be a massive change for us as a community."

The US and UK, he added, are already "Moving in that direction." Australia can learn from those two nations' experiences building similar clouds.

"We can do so much better on if we do it in a shared way," he argued.

European powers, too, currently have many of the same priorities as Australia - given Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine and the war in the Middle East.

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