Security News > 2023 > June > Exploring the persistent threat of cyberattacks on healthcare

Exploring the persistent threat of cyberattacks on healthcare
2023-06-26 04:30

In this Help Net Security interview, Brett Harris, Cybersecurity Officer for the Americas at Siemens Healthineers, discusses the long-term impacts of cyberattacks on healthcare institutions and what healthcare providers can do to protect patients' personal data and medical devices.

Could you elaborate on the long-term impacts of significant cyberattacks on healthcare institutions?

Cyberattacks on healthcare have been on the rise the past few years, and we don't see any indication that they are going to slow down.

Healthcare institutions need to start dedicating larger budgets to cybersecurity, at least in the short term to get proper medical device security programs in place.

What critical steps can healthcare organizations take to ensure that medical devices are adequately secured and risk-assessed before deployment?

How should healthcare organizations handle the decommissioning and disposal of medical devices to ensure no sensitive data is left behind?

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