Security News > 2023 > May > Week in review: Fake ChatGPT desktop client steals data, Patch Tuesday forecast

Week in review: Fake ChatGPT desktop client steals data, Patch Tuesday forecast
2023-05-07 08:00

Apple starts delivering smaller security updatesThe security updating of iPhones, iPads and Macs has entered a new stage: Apple has, for the first time, released a Rapid Security Response to owners of the devices running the latest versions of its operating systems.

Fake ChatGPT desktop client steals Chrome login dataResearchers are warning about an infostealer mimicking a ChatGPT Windows desktop client that's capable of copying saved credentials from the Google Chrome login data folder.

May 2023 Patch Tuesday forecast: Dealing with End-of-SupportThe April Patch Tuesday releases were unusual because we saw a whopping 62 vulnerabilities addressed in the Microsoft Server 2012 KBs. Cybercriminals use proxies to legitimize fraudulent requestsBot attacks were previously seen as relatively inconsequential type of online fraud, and that mentality has persisted even as threat actors have gained the ability to cause significant damage to revenue and brand reputation, according to HUMAN. Introducing the book: The VC Field GuideIn this Help Net Security video interview, cybersecurity entrepreneur, founder, innovator, and investor William Lin discusses his new book - The VC Field Guide.

5 API security best practices you must implementAs outside economic pressures continue to shape how organizations think and allocate resources, data security continues to be a high priority.

The warning signs for security analyst burnout and ways to preventSecurity analysts face the demanding task of investigating and resolving increasing volumes of alerts daily, while adapting to an ever-changing threat landscape and keeping up with new technology.

Using just-in-time access to reduce cloud security riskAs more organizations migrate assets to the cloud, users with excessive permissions can expand the blast radius of an attack, leaving organizations open to all sorts of malicious activity.

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