Security News > 2023 > February > Cybersecurity takes a leap forward with AI tools and techniques

Cybersecurity takes a leap forward with AI tools and techniques
2023-02-20 06:00

Such tools are essential for evaluating the performance of deep reinforcement learning algorithms.

The method is emerging as a powerful decision-support tool for cybersecurity experts - a defense agent with the ability to learn, adapt to quickly changing circumstances, and make decisions autonomously.

DRL, which combines reinforcement learning and deep learning, is especially adept in situations where a series of decisions in a complex environment need to be made.

The team used an open-source software toolkit known as Open AI Gym to create a custom and controlled simulation environment to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of four deep reinforcement learning algorithms.

"It's a multistage attack, where the adversary can pursue multiple attack paths that can change over time as they try to go from reconnaissance to exploitation. Our challenge is to show how defenses based on deep reinforcement learning can stop such an attack."

Least sophisticated attacks: DQN stopped 79 percent of attacks midway through attack stages and 93 percent by the final stage.

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