Security News > 2022 > December > Play ransomware claims attack on German hotel chain H-Hotels

Play ransomware claims attack on German hotel chain H-Hotels
2022-12-19 21:40

The Play ransomware gang has claimed responsibility for a cyber attack on H-Hotels that has resulted in communication outages for the company.

The hotel chain employs 2,500 people and is one of the largest in the DACH region, operating under 'H-Hotels' and the sub-brands Hyperion, H4 Hotels, H2 Hotels, H + Hotels, H.ostels, and H.omes.

Although the attack did not impact guests' bookings, hotel staff still can't receive or answer customer requests sent via email, so it is recommended to contact H-Hotels by phone if necessary.

Play ransomware has claimed the attack on H-Hotels and listed the company on its Tor site today, claiming to have stolen an undisclosed amount of data during the cyberattack.

The ransomware gang claims to have stolen private and personal data, including client documents, passports, IDs, and more.

For hotel guests, the potential exposure of their details and booking data can be a severe case of a privacy breach, providing information about future locations, financial information, and more.

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