Security News > 2022 > November > 5 Reasons to Consolidate Your Tech Stack

5 Reasons to Consolidate Your Tech Stack
2022-11-08 11:30

A new eBook illuminates how one solution can not only help increase security operations efficiency but also provide economic safeguards for security teams that are already strapped for cash.

If you're evaluating your security strategy and budget for the coming year, here are five reasons why consolidating your security technology stack can help you ensure your organization is safe - no matter what comes our way in 2023.

An ESG survey found that the top reasons to consolidate security vendors were to improve operational efficiencies, gain tighter integration of security controls, and improve threat detection.

Partnering with vendors that enable efficient, streamlined operations while addressing advanced threats means that even lean and mean security teams can implement effective protection for their orgs.

A July 2022 survey by ESG found that smaller organizations purchase from fewer vendors: 82% of orgs with fewer than 500 employees buy products from 10 or fewer security vendors, while 50% of organizations with 500-999 employees do the same.

Want to learn more about how consolidation can benefit your org? Check out Cynet's eBook, How security consolidation helps small security teams.

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