Security News > 2022 > October > The White House's global ransomware summit couldn't come at a better time

The White House's global ransomware summit couldn't come at a better time
2022-10-31 17:30

The White House has begun its second annual International Counter Ransomware Summit in which Biden administration officials will convene with representatives of three dozen nations, the EU, and private business to discuss the growing threat posed by data-destroying cyber attacks.

According to administration officials previewing the Summit over the weekend, the two-day event will focus on priorities like improving system resilience and developing better plans to disrupt ransomware actors in the planning phases of digital assaults.

The Biden administration said it was motivated to pursue a second summit after the ransomware attack on Los Angeles schools last month, which it said underscores the urgency of the ransomware threat.

According to statements from the Biden administration this weekend, the US government is concerned that ransomware attacks are outpacing the government's ability to stop them, which it cited as another reason to hold the second summit.

Last year's International Counter Ransomware Summit was held online in mid-October, and as one would expect from such high-level international summits, much of what was discussed came out as platitudes.

In 2021, the international group agreed to develop a framework for international ransomware information sharing, improve anti-money laundering models, and use international diplomatic efforts to dissuade countries from allowing ransomware operators to function within their borders, which has worked great so far.

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