Security News > 2022 > October > Uncle Sam says Chinese agents tried to interfere with Huawei criminal case in US

Uncle Sam says Chinese agents tried to interfere with Huawei criminal case in US
2022-10-24 23:40

American prosecutors on Monday accused 13 people of committing espionage-linked crimes in the US on behalf of the Chinese government.

Their charges, spread over three separate cases, include: attempting to force a Chinese national in America to return to China; attempting to interfere with the federal criminal prosecution of a Chinese company, said to be Huawei; and attempting to recruit US academics and government officials in the US to spy for China.

According to Uncle Sam, Quanzhong An held a US green card as a Chinese citizen, and his daughter Guangyang was a US citizen who was also born in China.

The pair are accused of attempting to bribe a US government employee to steal files associated with a federal case against a Chinese company that Bloomberg has identified as Huawei.

"In all three of these cases, and frankly, in thousands of others, we found the Chinese government threatening established democratic norms and the rule of law as they work to undermine US economic security and fundamental human rights, including those of Americans," he said.

"In many ways malign foreign influence, whether it's from the Chinese government, the Russian government, or other governments is not just an election cycle issue, but a 365-day-a-year problem."

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