Security News > 2022 > October > Internet connectivity worldwide impacted by severed fiber cables in France

Internet connectivity worldwide impacted by severed fiber cables in France
2022-10-20 13:25

A major Internet cable in the South of France was severed yesterday at 20:30 UTC, impacting subsea cable connectivity to Europe, Asia, and the United States and causing data packet losses and increased website response latency.

Users still face problems due to app and content providers routing traffic through the impacted paths.

At 23:00 UTC, it was confirmed that the incident had impacted three links: Marseille-Lyon, Marseille-Milano, and Marseille-Barcelona.

At the same time, BCC reports that a subsea cable linking the Shetland Islands to the Scottish mainland has been damaged, too, leaving netizens on the island isolated from the rest of the world.

As for who might do something like that, western analysts have repeatedly warned that Russian submarines can cause underwater damage or cut cables buried in the seabed to protect from bottom trawlers.

Update 10/20/22: Story and title updated to reflect that it was on-land fiber cable that was cut impacting subsea cables.

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