Security News > 2022 > October > Putting on the Red Hat

Putting on the Red Hat
2022-10-18 13:20

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Many companies, and as many as 90 percent of Fortune 500s, rely on Red Hat.

Linux has become an operating system of choice for developing cloud-native workloads, an evolution built on the trust that it will deliver the security, data protection, and compliance that hybrid cloud environments require.

Tim will be hearing from Red Hat's Hervé Lemaitre and Chris Jenkins about how Red Hat Enterprise Linux has been hardened to meet the constantly changing demands of modern IT infrastructure.

The trio will discuss the processes that ensure the delivery of consistent security management across every possible deployment and set out how Red Hat Enterprise Linux meets the challenge of delivering the tools and services required to maintain compliant enterprise software environments.

Register for our Secure Linux deployment webinar here and we will send you a reminder.

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