Security News > 2022 > September > Account takeover attacks on the rise, impacting almost 25% of people in the US

Account takeover attacks on the rise, impacting almost 25% of people in the US
2022-09-22 20:35

Account takeover attacks on the rise, impacting almost 25% of people in the US. Account takeover attacks can devastate individuals and organizations alike.

In a report released Thursday, fraud management company SEON looks at the rise in account takeovers and offers advice to businesses and consumers on how to protect their accounts.

Further, 60% of the victims had used the same password for multiple accounts, showing the value in adopting different passwords for each account.

Otherwise, they'll use brute force attacks and social engineering tricks to hack into an account.

After taking over an account, the criminal will typically change the account information, including the password and notification settings, thereby cutting off the actual user.

Also See Share: Account takeover attacks on the rise, impacting almost 25% of people in the US.

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