Security News > 2022 > August > The Rise of Data Exfiltration and Why It Is a Greater Risk Than Ransomware
Crypto valuations have dropped, reducing the monetary appeal of ransomware attacks due to organizations mounting a formidable defense against ransomware.
Instead, attackers on an information exfiltration mission will move vast amounts of proprietary data to systems that they control.
Either way - public exposure of information can be a threat greater than ransomware because ransomware demand can be resolved by paying up.
It's easy to see why threat actors can find extortion based on information leakage to be an even more attractive target than mere ransomware.
More time in the network means attackers can identify more desirable targets than just a simple ransomware deployment.
It's made ransomware attacks harder, often acting as a deterrent against attackers simply looking for easy targets.
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