Security News > 2022 > August > Response-based attacks make up 41% of all email-based scams

Response-based attacks targeting corporate inboxes have climbed to their highest volume since 2020, representing 41 percent of all email-based scams targeting employees, during Q2 of this year.
According to the report, advance-fee scams represented 54 percent of all response-based email threats in Q2. This threat type has seen a 3.4 percent increase in share of reports so far in 2022, and routinely occupies the majority of response-based attacks.
While the share of attacks was down from Q1 among other threats within the response-based category, hybrid vishing attacks also increased by volume, reaching a six-quarter high in Q2, increasing 625% in volume from Q1 2021.
Attacks are up nearly six percent in Q2 from Q1 2022.
In Q2, social media attacks increased 20 percent from Q1, averaging nearly 95 attacks per enterprise, per month.
Credential theft attacks targeting Office 365 accounts reached a six-quarter high in share and volume during Q2. More than 58 percent of all credential theft phishing links were delivered with the intent to steal O365 login credentials, up 17.7 percent for the year.
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