Security News > 2022 > July > Raytheon highlights its role in cybersecurity

Raytheon highlights its role in cybersecurity
2022-07-21 16:59

Raytheon officials gave a rare look at their perspectives on quantum computing, developing a cyber workforce, and the adoption and advancement of zero trust during a webinar Wednesday.

Even though they are a high-profile defense contractor, Raytheon has the same challenges as other corporations when it comes to hiring cybersecurity professionals during the Great Resignation, said Melissa Rhodes, senior director of human resources at Raytheon Intelligence & Space.

"In the meantime, organizations can significantly improve their security posture by implementing "Low-hanging fruit" such as multi-factor authentication, which is "Relatively easy to deploy,'' Staab said. Quantum computing has significant security implications. The speakers also discussed preparing for quantum computing and Q-Day, the day on which quantum computers will be powerful enough to break today's asymmetric encryption schemes, such as RSA, Diffi-Helman, Elliptic Curve Cryptography and DSA."These algorithms are used in all sectors and industries around the world, not just the U.S.,'' Staab observed.

Quantum computers already show great promise in areas like drug discovery, route optimization in logistics and transportation, and simulating large-scale cybersecurity attack simulations.

"While many of the traditional cyber defense skills and roles will still be relevant and transferable to a post-quantum world, the tools to defeat quantum attacks will be different, starting at the encryption algorithm and extending to areas like quantum machine learning,'' Staab said."

Taking advantage of quantum computers requires being able to develop quantum algorithms - existing software and a classical compiler or interpreter cannot be used to run applications on a quantum computer.

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