Security News > 2022 > July > Conventional cybersecurity approaches are falling short

Conventional cybersecurity approaches are falling short
2022-07-14 03:00

"The clear implication is that, however pernicious external threats have become, cybersecurity teams still have the power to repel them. And that's the good news: With the right practices and tools - including automation to maximize efficiency and get the most out of limited staff - breaches can be prevented."

The study surveyed executives and analyzed the cybersecurity investments, practices, and performance of 1,200 companies and public-sector organizations in 16 countries and a wide range of industries.

The research findings uncover that conventional cybersecurity approaches are falling short, and organizations that shift to modern, risk-based strategies are more successful in preventing breaches.

Beyond the NIST framework, organizations with no breaches took what the researchers call "a risk-based approach" to cybersecurity.

Forty-eight percent of organizations with no breaches in 2021 had implemented risk-based cybersecurity management strategies.

"The cybersecurity industry is witnessing a paradigm shift in cyber risk. To prevent breaches, CISOs must make a strategic shift - from the traditional volume play of identifying vulnerabilities and merely adhering to cybersecurity frameworks - to taking a strategic risk-based view of reducing actual exposure," said Gidi Cohen, CEO and Founder, Skybox Security.

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