Security News > 2022 > July > New 0mega ransomware targets businesses in double-extortion attacks

New 0mega ransomware targets businesses in double-extortion attacks
2022-07-08 19:22

A new ransomware operation named '0mega' targets organizations worldwide in double-extortion attacks and demands millions of dollars in ransoms.

0mega is a new ransomware operation launched in May 2022 and has attacked numerous victims since then.

A ransomware sample for the 0mega operation hasn't yet been found, therefore there's not much information on how files are encrypted.

These ransom notes are customized per victim, usually containing the company name and describing the different types of data stolen in attacks.

These ransom notes include a link to a Tor payment negotiation site with a "Support" chat that victims can use to contact the ransomware gang.

Like almost all enterprise-targeting ransomware operations, 0mega runs a dedicated data leak site that the threat actors use to publish stolen data if a ransom is not paid.

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