Security News > 2022 > July > Global cloud market to reach $1 trillion but 63% of leaders report lack of resources

Global cloud market to reach $1 trillion but 63% of leaders report lack of resources
2022-07-08 19:55

The global cloud migration continues to fuel a market expected to hit the $1 trillion milestone in 2028.

A recent report of Forrester Consulting, commissioned by Quali, found that 63% of surveyed IT and decision-makers say their organizations lack the support for a variety of cloud resources.

The cloud is presented as the ultimate infrastructure solution to store data and systems and manage it through dashboards and visualizations, but 60% of IT leaders complained about insufficient reporting, dashboarding and analytics.

IBM's "Cost of a Data Breach 2021" report studied 537 breaches in 17 countries and discovered some concerning cloud security costs.

The Forrester report for Quali revealed that organizations are looking into the cloud to execute these customer experience strategies.

Cloud data analysis can keep demand and stock in check and cloud tools like AI or digital twins can predict disruptions and identify opportunities for a supply chain to be optimized in face of disruptions.

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