Security News > 2022 > June > Stronger detection and automation pave the way for real-time response

Stronger detection and automation pave the way for real-time response
2022-06-14 08:00

Deepwatch released the State of the Modern SOC report, which found that most IT security professionals believe they could have stopped business impacting cyber events if equipped with better response capabilities.

Many seek more automation and less alert noise to shorten response times.

The report found that 85% of IT security professionals have experienced preventable business impacts resulting from insufficient response procedures, while 97% said that more accurate alerting would increase their confidence in automating threat response actions.

"Stronger detection paves the way for trustworthy automated response and fast, effective containment of cyber threats," said Wesley Mullins, CTO at Deepwatch.

"Modern security operations centers should be equipped with high-fidelity alerts, that include proper contextualization and correlation to provide as clear of a picture of the threat as possible. Not only does that enable analysts to work better, but it also unlocks the ability to implement automated response actions that stop threats with speed and precision. The key is confidence in the detection."

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