Security News > 2022 > June > Russia, China, warn US its cyber support of Ukraine has consequences

Russia, China, warn US its cyber support of Ukraine has consequences
2022-06-10 03:16

Russia and China have each warned the United States that the offensive cyber-ops it ran to support Ukraine were acts of aggression that invite reprisal.

The US has acknowledged it assisted Ukraine to shore up its cyber defences, conducted information operations, and took offensive actions during Russia's illegal invasion.

Russia raised the issue in a transcription of a June 9 Q&A between an unnamed journalist and A.V. Krutskikh, director of the Department of International Information Security of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.

China and Russia announced a "Friendship without limits" in February 2022.

It's thought that Russia may have honoured that pact by delaying its invasion of Ukraine until after the Beijing Winter Olympic Games concluded.

Few if any nations oppose such measures, but existing frameworks are ill-defined and attempts to strengthen them have largely been avoided by the US, China, and Russia.

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