Security News > 2022 > June > Healthcare is most likely to pay the ransom

Healthcare is most likely to pay the ransom
2022-06-09 03:30

The report shows that 99% of those healthcare organizations hit by ransomware got at least some their data back after cybercriminals encrypted it during the attacks.

Additional ransomware findings for the healthcare sector Healthcare organizations had the second-highest average ransomware recovery costs with $1.85 million, taking one week on average to recover from an attack.

67% of healthcare organizations think cyberattacks are more complex, based on their experience of how cyberattacks changed over the last year; the healthcare sector had the highest percentage.

While healthcare organizations pay the ransom most often, they're paying the lowest average ransoms, $197,000, compared with the global average of $812,000.

"This leaves healthcare organizations particularly vulnerable, and when hit, they may opt to pay a ransom to keep pertinent, often lifesaving, patient data accessible. Due to these unique factors, healthcare organizations need to expand their anti-ransomware defenses by combining security technology with human-led threat hunting to defend against today's advanced cyberattackers."

78% of healthcare organizations are now opting for cyber insurance, but 93% of healthcare organizations with insurance coverage report finding it more difficult to get policy coverage in the last year.

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