Security News > 2022 > May > Mobile trojan detections rise as malware distribution level declines

Mobile trojan detections rise as malware distribution level declines
2022-05-29 15:15

Kaspersky's quarterly report on mobile malware distribution notes a downward trend that started in late 2020.

Despite the overall demise in malware volumes, the security company reports a spike in trojan distribution, including generic trojans, banking trojans, and spyware.

Adware and "Risk tools" remain the most prevalent in terms of distribution volumes, with the latter accounting for almost half of all mobile malware infection attempts detected by Kaspersky in Q1 2022.

Detections for mobile banking trojans have increased by about 40% compared to the previous quarter, and the number doubled compared to Q1 2021 data.

According to Kaspersky, the new family that pushed the distribution figures upwards this quarter is the one they track as "Trojan-Banker.AndroidOS.Bray", which accounted for 81% of all mobile trojan detections in the first quarter of the year.

Mobile devices are often a weak link in the security chain, and their presence into corporate environments continues rise.

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