Security News > 2022 > May > Which Hole to Plug First? Solving Chronic Vulnerability Patching Overload

Which Hole to Plug First? Solving Chronic Vulnerability Patching Overload
2022-05-02 07:00

They're leaving traditional vulnerability management paradigms behind and shifting to the next generation of VPT solutions.

It's not news that even the most resource-rich enterprise can't possibly sort through, prioritize and patch every single vulnerability in their ecosystem.

Initially, Vulnerability Management focused on scanning and detecting core networks for any vulnerabilities.

To make VA more actionable, the next generation of VM tools included vulnerability prioritization based on each vulnerability's global CVE scoring.

These analytical capabilities enable advanced VPT solutions to integrate highly granular threat validation - creating the next generation of capabilities that augment traditional VM: Attack Based Vulnerability Management.

Taking traditional VPT to the next level, ABVM solves chronic vulnerability patching overload, enabling networks to remain afloat even in today's threat-choked waters.

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