Security News > 2022 > April > Animated QR codes: how do they work, and how to create your own?

Animated QR codes: how do they work, and how to create your own?
2022-04-23 08:14

Is there such a thing as moving or animated QR codes? And could they work?

The GIF shown below contains an animated QR code with moving frames that some might recognize-a sequence from Rick Astley's famous Never Gonna Give You Up music video.

There exist online tools, like the one created by QR4 and software engineer Jeroen Steeman, allowing you to create your own animated QR codes!

The error checking and correction aspects of 2D barcodes are important in the sense, that even if parts of the QR code are cut off or corrupted, the QR code may still continue to scan correctly and retain the content stored inside it.

This explains why artistic barcodes, like the one shown above, or the panther QR code GIF in the beginning may continue to scan correctly: the areas of the QR code containing the functional data are a smaller part of the entire matrix.

The generator enables you to create fully-functional QR codes that look like real pictures as much as possible and even animate them to your liking.

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