Security News > 2022 > March > Consumers fed up with passwords and KBAs, looking to voice enabled technology as the future

Consumers fed up with passwords and KBAs, looking to voice enabled technology as the future
2022-03-09 05:00

Pindrop released the findings of a survey that explores how 2000+ US-based consumers feel about the future of voice enabled technology and how it will impact their everyday lives.

The report uncovered that consumers are so fed up with passwords and KBAs to access accounts or verify identity that many would be less annoyed by having their flight delayed or having to shovel snow.

Consumers would prefer voice enabled technology Nearly 70% of those surveyed believe securely unlocking their vehicle and starting it using only their voice would be very or extremely helpful in their day-to-day lives, while 54% are eager to be able to access an ATM with just their voice.

"As the data indicates, consumers are starting to realize the value of voice enabled technology and the convenience it can provide. If brands want to remain competitive and build trust with consumers, they'll need to think about how to integrate this technology to create seamless, yet secure, customer experiences."

The survey details how consumers are embracing voice authentication, their hopes for future applications of the technology and their distaste for the approach most brands currently employ, particularly in the following three areas.

Not only can voice enabled technology make life easier for consumers and create seamless customer experiences, but in the era of the metaverse, a person's voice is a consistent individual attribute in both the digital and physical worlds.

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