Security News > 2022 > March > How much do different generations trust their mobile devices’ security?

How much do different generations trust their mobile devices’ security?
2022-03-02 04:30

McAfee unveiled two survey reports which reveal the level of disconnect that exists between generations over how safe mobile devices are and how vulnerable consumers are to threats on those devices.

"The common thread linking these two research offerings are that consumers value protection of their data, privacy, and identity. As our use of mobile devices rapidly increases, we must remember that a mobile device is a connected device, just like a computer."

Different generations' mindset over how safe mobile devices are.

In this report, parents and children were surveyed about their mobile behaviors, to uncover how children are using mobile devices and where their actual behavior differs from their parents' assumptions, a new area of research in the industry that includes crucial perspective from children.

Globally, children and teens have higher trust in mobile devices.

While family members nearly all rely on mobile devices, how they use those devices differs greatly by gender.

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