Security News > 2022 > February > Wormhole cryptotrading company turns over $340,000,000 to criminals

This week, cryptocurrency company Wormhole lived up to its name by exposing an exploitable vulnerability that apparently allowed cybercriminals to run off with an eye-watering 120,000 Ether tokens.
As pointed out by Elliptic, a company that offers blockchain analytics to assist with compliance, the Wormhole team tried the same trick that was used by cryptocoin company Poly Networks when it was defrauded of more than $600,000,000 in August 2021.
You can understand why a company in Wormhole's desperate position might make the offer, even if it's hard to imagine at first thought why crooks who had already - and apparently anonymously - made off with $340,000,000 would waive their anonymity in exchange for a fraction of the amount.
That's why we replaced 120k ETH to make community members whole and support Wormhole now as it continues to develop.
According to Wormhole, "All funds have been restored and Wormhole is back up," and, "The team is working on a detailed incident report and will share it asap."
Not a word about the disaster on Wormhole's blog or website, which still leads unashamedly with the words THE BEST OF BLOCKCHAINS in giant text.