Security News > 2022 > January > What’s in for mobile operators this year?
![What’s in for mobile operators this year?](/static/build/img/news/whats-in-for-mobile-operators-this-year-medium.jpg)
Nation states will ramp up mobile cyber attacks; hyperscalers will mimic Google and introduce powerful proprietary encryption protocols; and new edge clouds could make the last mile vulnerable.
Mobile industry trends in 2022 State-sponsored cyber attacks accelerate and evolve.
According to analysts, the edge cloud market for mobile operators is set to grow significantly in 2022.
While Content Delivery Networks have been bringing content and users closer together for many years, the nature of the edge cloud tilts the game in favor of mobile operators, who have ready-to-go locations across thousands of towns and cities.
Wi-Fi ties the knot with 5G. As mobile operators deploy 5G, they're struggling with in-building penetration that is up to 100x worse than 3G/4G. This undermines their ability to displace the residential broadband market and support indoor enterprise IoT use cases.
With Wi-Fi 6 tripling the available spectrum of earlier WiFi specifications, 2022 will see operators building their own Wi-Fi 6 capacity in public locations combining Wi-Fi 6 and 5G. Jan Häglund, CEO of Enea said: "For mobile operators, 2022 will usher in both opportunities and threats that deeply impact their bottom line. In the past, network providers had to grapple with encroaching hyperscalers, now a plethora of attack vectors make security in particular a critical consideration. We trust that the trends highlighted in this year's report provide a roadmap for mobile operators to navigate our post-pandemic world."
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