Security News > 2022 > January > Telegram is a hotspot for the sale of stolen financial accounts

Telegram is increasingly abused by cybercriminals to set up underground channels to sell stolen financial details to pseudonymous users.
Finally, because Telegram channels are more volatile and short-lived than dark web markets, they could be safer to use for criminals as they are harder to track and correlate online personas with real identities.
Researchers at Cybersixgill have published a report based on data they collected throughout 2021 and concluded that even though the sale of financial accounts on Telegram has decreased in volume, it remains a stable problem.
Even if at a smaller volume, credit cards are also offered on Telegram channels, with roughly half of them including the highly-valuable CVV/CVV2 codes required to verify online purchases.
Finally, there are dedicated Telegram channels that sell bank logs as well, which can also be used for electronic cashouts.
The above is only a small part of the cybercriminal activity on Telegram channels, with other activities including identity theft, fraud, network access, stolen database, and many more.