Security News > 2022 > January > Ukrainian cops nab husband and wife suspected to be part of $1m ransomware operation

Ukrainian cops nab husband and wife suspected to be part of $1m ransomware operation
2022-01-13 15:31

Ukrainian police have arrested five people on suspicion of operating a ransomware gang, including a husband-and-wife team, following tipoffs from UK law enforcement.

The gang is said to have operated private VPNs, masking users' IP addresses so they could "Secretly carry out illegal activities." British bank card holders were then targeted by the crims, who used stolen details to make online purchases.

Ukraine has embarked on a spree of arrests of people it says are ransomware suspects.

In October two people, rumoured online to have been members of the REvil ransomware gang, were arrested on suspicion of being "Prolific ransomware operators."

In June six people alleged to be members of the Clop ransomware gang were nicked - not that this stopped Clop from claiming the credit for hacks after that date.

Last week yet more alleged members of the REvil gang were arrested in various police raids across the European continent, while another, 22-year-old Yaroslav Vasinskyi, was charged by the US with carrying out REvil ransomware attacks.

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