Security News > 2022 > January > FTC warns companies to secure consumer data from Log4J attacks

FTC warns companies to secure consumer data from Log4J attacks
2022-01-04 20:20

The US Federal Trade Commission has warned today that it will go after any US company that fails to protect its customers' data against ongoing Log4J attacks.

"The FTC intends to use its full legal authority to pursue companies that fail to take reasonable steps to protect consumer data from exposure as a result of Log4j, or similar known vulnerabilities in the future," the US government agency said.

"It is critical that companies and their vendors relying on Log4j act now, in order to reduce the likelihood of harm to consumers, and to avoid FTC legal action."

Update your Log4j software package to the most current version found here: https://logging.

CISA provides a dedicated page for the Log4Shell flaws with patching information and has released a Log4j scanner to find vulnerable Java-based apps.

Together with Five Eyes cybersecurity agencies and other US federal agencies, CISA also issued a joint advisory with mitigation advice on addressing the CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, and CVE-2021-45105 Log4j security flaws.

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