Security News > 2021 > December > FBI: Cuba ransomware breached 49 US critical infrastructure orgs

FBI: Cuba ransomware breached 49 US critical infrastructure orgs
2021-12-03 17:16

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has revealed that the Cuba ransomware gang has compromised the networks of at least 49 organizations from US critical infrastructure sectors.

"The FBI has identified, as of early November 2021 that Cuba ransomware actors have compromised at least 49 entities in five critical infrastructure sectors, including but not limited to the financial, government, healthcare, manufacturing, and information technology sectors," the federal law enforcement agency said.

"Cuba ransomware actors have demanded at least US $74 million and received at least US $43.9 million in ransom payments," the FBI added.

Cuba ransomware is delivered on victims' networks through the Hancitor malware downloader, which allows the ransomware gang to gain easier access to previously compromised corporate networks.

Once in using the access provided by Hancitor, Cuba ransomware operators will use legitimate Windows services to deploy their ransomware payloads remotely and encrypt files using the ".

In the flash alert, the FBI also asked systems admins and security professionals who detect Cuba ransomware activity within their enterprise networks to share any related information they have with their local FBI Cyber Squad. Useful information that can be shared to help identify the attackers behind this ransomware gang includes "Boundary logs showing communication to and from foreign IP addresses, Bitcoin wallet information, the decryptor file, and/or a benign sample of an encrypted file."

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