Security News > 2021 > November > Mobile phishing exposure in the energy industry surged 161% in 2021

Mobile phishing exposure surged 161% within the energy industry between the second half of 2020 and the first half of 2021, a Lookout report reveals.
Regional mobile phishing exposure rates: North America, APAC and EMEA. EMEA and APAC employees were 41% and 18% more likely to experience a mobile phishing attack than their North American peers.
Securing mobile endpoints to prevent mobile phishing threats.
Protecting against mobile phishing and app threats enables energy organizations to prevent cyberattackers who want to steal credentials and data, or halt operations with ransomware.
"As the energy industry modernizes and relies more heavily on mobile devices and cloud solutions, these insights into mobile phishing and app threats can help organizations strengthen their security program," said Stephen Banda, Senior Manager of Security Solutions at Lookout and the author of the report.
"We recommend organizations train employees about the dangers of mobile phishing attacks and have dedicated solutions in place to secure against them. They also need visibility into mobile app and operating system vulnerabilities to safeguard corporate data."
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