Security News > 2021 > October > Lawsuit claims hospital ransomware infection cost baby her life

Lawsuit claims hospital ransomware infection cost baby her life
2021-10-04 19:28

A hospital that continued to admit patients during a ransomware attack has been sued over claims that a baby died after doctors and nurses failed to spot there was a problem due to networks being shut down.

Nicko Silar died after six months in intensive care after being born at Springhill Memorial Hospital with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck, documents filed in the Alabama Circuit Court state [PDF].

The suit alleges that, because the hospital had shut down key networks, staff were reduced to using paper records, internal staff messaging services were down, and fetal monitoring devices were severely affected.

Nicko's mother, Teiranni Kidd, was never told that the hospital was having computer problems, the suit claims, and would not have used the facility if she had known.

The hospital's CEO told the Journal that he had to keep the hospital admitting patients because they needed treatment and the hospital's doctors had deemed it safe to carry on operations.

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